Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Ship

Welcome my friends,
You are now ready to
embark on your greatest
adventure.  You can open
your eyes at any time.
You can even fall asleep
if you want to.  This
is your creation now.
In your minds eye, visualize 

 yourself and one
special person on a beach;
It can be any beach you
want.  Be it a beach you have
never been to before or one
that you have been to.
Look above you, you see
seagulls circling overhead.
Their cries echo in your
ind.  Look down, you see
endless miles of white sand.
Your feet are bare.
Look out to sea.  You see a
ship, it’s huge and appears
to be heading towards a
distant shore.  Walk to the
harbor.  Your companion
follows, ever at your side.
You don’t have to walk, you
can fly.  Fly high at one with
the seagulls.  They speak your
language, listen to them, they
can speak of the future.
You can fly anywhere you want,
just remember your true
destination:  the ship.
*(reader:  pause for about
15 seconds)*
Now it is time to join your
friends on the ship.
Land on the port (left) side of
the ship.  On board the ship you
see people you know, and those
souls that you have never encountered
before.  Some people are just landing,
as you are.  Others have been there
for hours.  And still others are
still flying. 
Wait for everyone to land.
There are not many people,
just about 30.
The ship is large enough so that
everyone has their own private apace.
you talk to the people there,
Some have been there before,
still others are new.
After a short time you
grow tired of talking and
begin to search for your
own private space.  You find
it and lay down.

You rest. The sun is warm upon
your skin. Warming your very soul.
Your entire body begins to relax,
starting from you feet and all the 
way to your head.
Your breath is even, you are calm.
The open stillness resonates within
your soul. Cleansing you from within.
All sounds from outside melt away.
There is nothing but healing energy
and light surrounding you. Healing you.
Stay in this light and become one with it.

*(reader pause for about 10 minutes 
to allow meditative state to enjoy)

Slowly, as if from a great distance
stretched across the fold of time,
you begin to hear the sound of 
seagulls once again. Awareness begins 
to settle in like a calming wave.
The calm, peaceful feeling resonates 
within you still.
You begin to open your eyes and notice
others doing the same. Surfacing.
Your body, mind and spirit feel renewed.
The ship melts away as you return to full
awareness. The peaceful, calm healing 
energy will remain within you for some time. 
The ship ever awaits to offer you a place
to heal and renew your spirit and energies. 

A meditation technique taught to me by a Master, translated.

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