Saturday, April 16, 2011

Becoming you

I followed you through the dark, lost centuries.
Dreams unraveled at your feet, I never lost
sight of you.
Our threads of life were bound together.
I trembled to my core as you laid your hands
upon me.  Such magick in those hands, you
caressed me from the inside out.
Yet I did not even tremble, I did not even cry,
as your fangs, you laid bare, and sunken
into my veins,
you drained the life from me.
I looked up into your eyes,
so trusting, always knowing that
you would never hurt me.
Yet it was you who drained me
you fed from me and then you wept.
For you loved me too, and now I was
dying before you.
Then your vein opened and a river
was poured forth into my mouth,
and I died again and again.

Now forever I have this gift, and not even
you beside me to share it with.
You have forsaken me. 
My heart bleeds.
I felt your loss, like an icy pull from my veins
as your fangs, you withdrew.
Unto where I shall never know.
To the night darkened sky my gaze slowly
drifts. Looking for stars in a sky that has
long since died but there are no stars left for me.

And so my long, dark raven hair falls
about me.  My world crumbles, the agony
I feel is almost unbearable.
I would rather be staked thought the heart
than to ever feel this pain.   
You killed me, yet I lived, 
a walking torch of vampiric agony.
Facing eternity in hell on Earth.
And somehow I feel you still alive.
I can hear your cold heart beat somewhere,
catch your scent in the winds of time lost.
I am torn from myself.
The shadows I lurk,
I sleep the sleep of the dead.
Descending underground, dropping
through hells at every plunge.
I am this beast, I am the greatest fear,
and I run and I run and I run.
And get nowhere.
I asked for nothing,
I guess I should get the coldness.
Surrounding. Enveloping. 
I drink from those around me,
tasting their blood like sweet nectar
running down my throat.
Yet it is your heartbeat that keeps me alive,
My Creator. You made me who I am. 
I will find you.
I will taste of you again.
The hunger consumes.
Taking me down and down within
its depths.
Taking me down to you,
ever as I become you.

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